

We can currently ship to several states. If there is a problem completing an order, or to find out if and where our wines are available in your state, please contact us at info@denisoncellars.com.

Wines Price Qty Subtotal
$32.00 $0.00
$32.00 $0.00
$45.00 $0.00
$45.00 $0.00
$45.00 $0.00
$75.00 $0.00
$28.00 $0.00
$48.00 $0.00
$48.00 $0.00
$48.00 $0.00
$80.00 $0.00
$45.00 $0.00
Magnums Price Qty Subtotal
$106.00 $0.00
$170.00 $0.00
Subtotal: $0.00

Billing Information * required fields

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Shipping Information Copy Billing Info

I certify that I am at least 21 years of age and legally able to purchase wine. I realize that an adult must be present to sign for any wine delivery. Click here to view our policies.

Tastings available at NW Cru
325 NE Evans St, McMinnville, OR 97128
Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm
(No reservations necessary)